Ya, jelas murah ...
(Diambil dari blognya Anne)
Free to copy paste this image, tapi save ke tempat hosting masing-masing ya.. ;)==
Indonesian internet companies blocked access to YouTube and MySpace, heeding a government order aimed at stopping people from watching a film critical (read: harassing) of the Quran.
The Indonesian information ministry last week ordered internet service providers to block sites where Wilders' film appears because it ``could disturb relations between the faiths''.
Some Indonesians, especially people who use those sites for business, protested the block.(read: it's the regular bloggers who protested the most)
Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation, but its government is secular. Hard-line interpretations of the faith generally do not attract much support in Indonesia.
Thanks to Kang Bayu for the corrections!
source: http://www.theage.com.au/news/web/youtube-blocked-in-indonesia/2008/04/09/1207420441053.html
Sekitar dua atau tiga hari lalu, Ambu baca running text, lupa di stasiun TV yang mana, yang isinya: "Pemerintah berniat menurunkan tarif internet"
Ya jelas, internet bakal jadi murah. Murah banget. Udah ga ada Youtube-nya, udah ga ada Multiply-nya, kalau keyword por-on juga udah diberlakukan sewenang-wenang, Yahoo dan Google berikut blogspot juga bakal kesambet. Jadi, nginternet mau ngapain?
*baca komen Myu and GunZ di 'Roy Suryo = Gilderoy Lockhart' ->scroll di bawah!*
Wekekek! GunZ ngusulin kita Nonbar! Film-na Ayat Ayat Cinta! Er, bukan deng, tapi F****! Hihi!
Apakah ada software untuk menyaring, apalagi untuk menge-blok sinetron dari telepisi-kuh?
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