Blognya si Ambu

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Multiple Scleroris

Eh, ini cuma agar ada judulnya aja..

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, denger bahwa Pepeng (yang dulu suka pegang kuis Jari-Jari) terkena Multiple Sclerosis.

Tadi pagi liat infotainment, Pepeng dikunjungi Hughes dan mereka makan tumpeng sama-sama (munggah meureun).

Jadi inget, belum nyelesaiin Too Late *nyengir sama Muscat, hihi*



Two sides to your personality, fiery but fragile, often indecisive.
Colors: male: yellow, female: green
Compatible Signs:
Isis, Thoth
Mar 1 - Mar 10, Nov 27 - Dec 18
Role: God of the afterlife
A green-skinned man wrapped up like a mummy, wearing the Atef crown and holding a crook and flail
Sacred animals:
What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries

Euh, Osiris? And, color Green?
*para Slytherin bertepuk tangan*


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