Blognya si Ambu

Friday, December 14, 2007

Supernatural - SPOILER ALERT!

Ini didasarkan pada episode terbaru di sono, A Very Supernatural Christmas, tadi malem. Ambu dapet dari salah satu milis. Nggak tau sih gimana ceritanya, karena mereka belum sempet bikin sinopsisnya (lagian 'tadi malem' buat kita sama 'tadi malem' buat yang di AS kan beda berapa jam, dodol! Hi3). Tapi tulisan salah satu member, bikin Ambu pengen nangis. Bener-bener Wee!Chester moment!

I like their explanation much better than having a firm mythology around the amulet. It bring the show back to its core, which is the relationship between the brothers. That amulet is both a symbol of young Sam building the trust and friendship with his brother that would last a lifetime, and a symbol of what Dean is willing to do for Sam.

Heck, now the amulet symbolizes the entire series, the trust broken between Sam and John, the way he turned to Dean, and Dean not taking it off because to him, it shows the responsibility he felt towards Sam with John gone. Not to mention the whole slightly demonic look to it of course sets things in place.

It was Sam saying that he was putting one hundred percent faith in Dean, and Dean wore that proudly, giving one hundred percent commitment back to Sam. And still does. I wonder if John ever knew...

Brilliantly done. Now I'm not going to be able to look at it without thinking of that scene when young Sam gives it to young Dean, and older Dean walks in the door wearing it. It's a perfect physical symbol of the bond they share. Absolutely, totally brilliant.

Jadi, itu arti kalung yang dipake sama Dean! Mungkin memang ada arti khusus, tapi untuk sementara ini, itulah artinya.

Dan, melihat cerita yang diputer di TRANS7 tadi malem, bahwa seperti apa pun Dean nggak mau membunuh Sam, I understand. That's it!

Huwaaaaa! I love both of you, Winchesters!


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