Blognya si Ambu

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Masih No Rest for the Wicked

Dari milis, seseorang berkata, bahwa Dean itu berteriak manggil Sam, bukan karena dia merasa takut ada di Hell (kemungkinan malah bukan Hell, malah mungkin masih di purgatory->Kripke said in LA that there would be no scenes from hell) tapi karena pada saat-saat terakhir Dean melihat Lilith sedang menyerang Sam, dan dia khawatir akan nasib Sam! A very protective big brother!

So much about afraid of Hell!

Di Forum, lebih jelas lagi:
The whole episode Dean did NOT want to go after Lilith because he was worried that Sam was going to do something to get himself hurt. Either put himself in a position to go to hell himself, by tapping into his dormant powers.....or just get himself killed.

He said to him, "What you're doing isn't going to save's just going to kill you."

Well, at the end Dean's worst fear came true. Lilith sicked the hell hounds on him..... but he thought that she was about to kill Sam, too.

So.....when he's in hell screaming for Sam it's not just that he's in torment and he wants his brother, but it's that he's trapped and can't help him. He had no way of knowing that Lilith couldn't kill Sam.

dan respon:

Possibly, it may be a stretch this time, but, he might even be blaming himself again, because Lillith wouldn't have come if it weren't for him, in his mind.


That makes the scene even more painful... The Real Hell for Dean is being unable to help Sam...

Dan jadi pertanyaan, Dean itu orangnya skeptis, nggak percaya sebelum melihat sendiri. Dia percaya akan adanya Hell. Kenapa dia nggak bisa percaya akan adanya Heaven?

Soalnya dia nggak ikutan ESQ sih!

Seseorang di milis menulis lagi:

For Dean, a Samless world, endless pain, loneliness.

Hehe, inget Naruto. Buat dia, hidup tanpa teman itu loneliness, siksaan terbesar dalam hidup. makanya dia akan mati-matin membela teman-temannya. Which, termasuk menyadarkan Gaara akan arti hidup. Tapi dia masih belum bisa menyadarkan Sasuke. Sasuke ... Itachi itu kok hidupnya seperti Severus Snape ya?

*hugs Sev*
*hugs Itachi*


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